Maintenance Plan
This Service is Not Available At This Time
Website Design Hours from hours to weeks on-going (e.g. on-going design, or on-going support request).
- No Follow-On Obligations; No Automatic Renewal, Sign-up when ready.
- This page is for Website Design for content presentation using HTML/CSS, Social Media, SEO, and general website support.
- A Design Hour is an effort based hour and may be worked across a longer interval based on the overall Service Level time. e.g. 15 minutes per hour across 4 hours or 4 days is 1 Design Hour.
- 8 Design Hours = 1 Design Day; 5 Design Days = 1 Design Week
- Minimum Time usage in 15 minute increments.
- Unused Maintenance Design Time expires at the end of the Maintenance Plan. On-Time renewal of a Maintenance Plan will receive roll-over from a previous plan.

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We Are Committed to Service!
Client's Purchase this for on-going:
Content Presentation, Webpage Design and Layout, HTML/CSS, SEO Management/Updates, Social Media Management/Updates, Video/Image Editing/Posting, Internet Marketing Support, WordPress Support and WordPress Plug-in Configuration, JavaScript Plug-in Configuration, General Website Support and Email Support.